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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

NYT: Airport Transport

Dream: Airport Transport
Not Yet Translated

I was at an airport where I met Dani, we were both heading towards the same place. I was heading home to California from somewhere, while Dani was heading to California, I think. Either way, we met and decided to go together, we waited by the bird.

Yes, the flight transportation was not for planes, but giant birds. Specifically, a giant finch. So it has a rather small body. While we were just talking amongst ourselves while waiting, another dude (with a backpack on for baggage) comes up and I guess he's going the same place. Not thinking too much of it we all wait for the department time and talk with one another, keeping each other busy.

Department time comes up and Dani is the first to get on and the other dude gets on afterwards. A bit confused, I see there is no room for me. I'm a little awkward, I kinda feel like the other dude should get off and let me get on as I was here first with Dani. The dude feels the awkwardness in my attempts to find a spot to get on, and gets off, allowing me to take his spot. I hurriedly attempt to get on and before I can even situate myself, Dani grabs my left arm and pulls me up and the bird goes flying into the sky.

My right arm is dangling (now that I think of it... I think I was holding my bag with that arm dangling around), and I'm trying to bring my arm up to wrap around Dani's waist. Without my other arm around Dani's waist, my bottom is starting to slip. The air pressure from the upwards moment prevented me from being able to bring my arm back up and around Dani for safety. Dani's other arm is also trying to grab a hold of my other arm, stating obvious facts like "I can't get your other arm." 

I felt like I wanted to blame him for rushing the ride before I even got on yet but I was too distracted with the fact that I was way too high for my fall to be... comfortable. As Dani struggled more to try and get my arm, I was left with the fact that if I were to fall it would not be survivable at this point. I was thinking about asking the bird to maybe stop flying higher and get lower to the ground.

At that moment I slipped and fell. Fast. My head ran with any possibilities for my survival; such as, hitting building to slow down my fall or catch onto anything. However, as I fell, I realized there was way too much time passing by where I was just falling without anything in my way. The fall is not survivable... even for this dream.

I didn't want to see through the end anymore. I didn't want to see the body make contact because I couldn't think of any way I'd survive. I woke up. Eyes still closed, not a single movement from my body hinting that I had a "falling" dream. I opened my eyes and blamed Dani for being stupid. I thought of a way that I would survive, "The bird swooped down and caught me, brought me back down." And went back to sleep with that.

I was back at the airport again, looking for my ride again. I felt like I had "restarted," oh well. It looked like it was night already. This is where my dream gets a little random as I can't remember the exact timeline of the dream.

I was closing up an arcade in the airport. Ryan passed by and wanted to play some games I think, so I unlocked the door, let him in and locked it back up I think. The doors/walls were like glass. All glass... so I mean if a manager passed by they'd see me and I'd probably get in trouble but eh, I wasn't worried too much about it. I think just regular people would see us in there and I don't care too much if they think its unfair or not. Its all about connections anyway.

Ryan looked around to see what games he wanted to play and picked one of the older hand stick games (similar to the ones you play Galaga on or something but it was an unrecognizable game). It was kinda soothing to just relaxedly walk about browsing games at nighttime/closing time/after hours. I don't actually remember much after the browsing so I'll move to another memory. I remember finally leaving the arcade (closed and done).

I guess my bf was at the airport as well, I decided to wait on him to get to where I was at (the departure) so we could leave together. The airport was similar to a questline. I just walked with him/through his completing quests, getting closer and closer to the area I was at. I think we were almost there... and I ended up waking up or going into another dream or something.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

NYT: The Castle Dorm Prison

IP(in progress): This is a short and quick jot down of the dream I had.

raelene showed up in my dreams again. it was this castle place again. except we were all like prisoners at a school kinda thing. Like living at school, can't leave the area, we all wear handcuffs everywhere we go, we go in a line with our "classmates" or "dorm-mates"

I remember going to lunch or dorms or whatever, several times we broke out of the handcuffs and just pretended they were on. never got caught as they don't (they as in guards) really look at our hands as long as its in the same position. I mean we're supposed to be chained together and even when the chain is COMPLETELY missing they still just let us walk on through as long as we're in the line. They have guns too I think.

the part with raelene is... some people needed to get out now. they cant take it and are at the point of breakdown, some of the others and I who are a bit stronger are helping them escape. We are giving these people chances to escape, I remember seeing Jimmy as one of the peoples who we gave a chance to. It was a big ole goodbye but later when we were in line he was walking back with a few guards in chains... got caught. I was embarassed to look at him, since I didn't want to add anymore shame/embarassment since he got caught after all that work.

raelene was one of the people we were trying to help escape as well. I wasnt too worried about escaping even though I got out of the handcuffs pretty easily and it feels like I could escape if I wanted to, i just wanted to help the others that cant first.

NYT(not yet translated):Tracer?

The Dream/Life experience: Tracers, good or bad?

 I haven't been recording my dreams as of late because of embarrassment to record said dreams aloud in front of others. So I'm remembering VERY tiny little parts of the dreams. I remember it was a warehouse/dungeon looking area. Gray. Either gray brick or gray concrete (in terms of looks). I faintly remember a wall being broken through, an opening with someone big going through. Water? A river? Going through. Looks like a dam within the castle. Something I need to do. Need to upgrade, or get stronger. This is where I remember.

I needed to get stronger for something, I needed to upgrade. So I have to choose which skills to level, I have to pick one. It looks like "In: Tracer/Out:Tracer" that I see in the skill menu (from a game I'm familiar with), several levels from each other. It seems like the "dark" skill is higher up on the menu, whilst the "light" skill is further down.

I think I have trouble figuring out which I should choose, should I choose the dark skill that not only do I think looks better, but its also easier to obtain. The light skill also intrigues me but it is further down the skill menu, and will take some time to obtain.

In the end I gave up thinking on it for too long, and chose the dark skill.

Friday, January 2, 2015

NYT:Looking for Ghosts

The Dream: Looking for Ghosts - incomplete

I can remember myself traveling... with who? I'm traveling with people, a group? Or just another person? We're traveling, we're looking for ghosts. It's always night, I believe. No matter where we go it's night. When we find ghosts, we can see them! They pop up as these neon green (almost as if we're looking through night vision goggles). Sometimes that's how we see it normally, and sometimes we have to use devices to aid us in our search/seeing them.

We are going all over the place, looking for ghosts that are "causing trouble" for other people. We simply travel and happen upon ghosts (usually more than one), or we get calls from people who believe there are ghosts in the vicinity. The night and neon green ghosts feel very nice.

In most cases, the ghosts aren't any trouble at all. Instead of "dealing" with the ghosts, we go to the place, find the ghosts, find the people they are bothering... and train the people to see them, and how to interact with them. This usually solves the problem and we're off. I feel like there was more to each of the ghost visits/stories but I can't quite remember them. I feel like I remember a ghost popping out right in front of us while we were looking for it and it was neon green and was trying to startle us for fun, though I don't believe I got startled or scared, I feel like I was kind of amazed at it all. That's how I'm feeling now thinking back on it at least.

I remember a foresty scene. Actually, I've been here before in a dream, cept it was during the day (maybe afternoon at that time). I'm familiar with this place. It was home. Looking at the forest and you can see the ghosts everywhere (maybe like 3~5 in this particular scene) between and partially behind the trees, but we can still them. Its amazing.

Added: The ghosts glowed similarly to this, except in more numbers within the forests.
Was watching the simpsons marathon recently and started blogging again so this example came up first.

--------------------------- Incompleted: No Interpretation -----------------------------------