Dream Interpretations: NYT: The Castle Dorm Prison

NYT: The Castle Dorm Prison

IP(in progress): This is a short and quick jot down of the dream I had.

raelene showed up in my dreams again. it was this castle place again. except we were all like prisoners at a school kinda thing. Like living at school, can't leave the area, we all wear handcuffs everywhere we go, we go in a line with our "classmates" or "dorm-mates"

I remember going to lunch or dorms or whatever, several times we broke out of the handcuffs and just pretended they were on. never got caught as they don't (they as in guards) really look at our hands as long as its in the same position. I mean we're supposed to be chained together and even when the chain is COMPLETELY missing they still just let us walk on through as long as we're in the line. They have guns too I think.

the part with raelene is... some people needed to get out now. they cant take it and are at the point of breakdown, some of the others and I who are a bit stronger are helping them escape. We are giving these people chances to escape, I remember seeing Jimmy as one of the peoples who we gave a chance to. It was a big ole goodbye but later when we were in line he was walking back with a few guards in chains... got caught. I was embarassed to look at him, since I didn't want to add anymore shame/embarassment since he got caught after all that work.

raelene was one of the people we were trying to help escape as well. I wasnt too worried about escaping even though I got out of the handcuffs pretty easily and it feels like I could escape if I wanted to, i just wanted to help the others that cant first.

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